Freitag, 9. Oktober 2015

Trace the Follower


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On the surface Trace the Follower seems to be just another forgettable mtalcore band. And then you listen to their music and hear the incredible metalcore but djentier sound that they call their own. Their music is unique and powerful. It has a might that is only brought to a piece of music when true musicians work on it. With towering guitar riffs only matched by soaring solos this band has some awesome arrangements. The guitar has a great place in the mix and really gets the djenty feel across. Meanwhile the heavy bass work really helps make the breakdowns a bit more interesting. The weird rhythms add a lot of flavor to this band. Meanwhile the drums are very solid and feature quite a few cool fills. It adds a lot of overall taste and the double bass is very heavy and can truly push the music forward. Finally the growls are very dark and maybe a bit more death metal than most metalcore bands. Overall they just get the job done and help the band realize their full potential. So go check out Trace the Follower, they are not as posery as they might seem! In fact, they are brilliant!

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