Freitag, 9. Oktober 2015

Shadow Cell


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Shadow Cell is an interesting band in that they combine Death Metal and NWOBHM in a way I don't think I have heard before. While on one side their music features lots of classic riffs and awesome clean vocals, they aren't afraid to get brutal and burn your face off. The guitar parts are an interesting mix that flow nicely as not to sound like a hodgepodge. The solos are pretty well done and definitely add a lot of flavor to the songs. In particular the one on Anna adds a lot of flavor to the music. The bass work is solid and adds quite the groove to the music. At times its almost Lamb of God-like. Their is just so much raw rhythm to be had here. The drumming is very solid and never relies too much on the double bass. I really like its implementation on a lot of tracks. In particular it really rocks the intro of Where the Wind Blew. Finally we have the vocals, a mix of D'Ianno with Schuldiner its hard to fully describe the magic here. Their is something for any metalhead and thats what make this band cool. So go check them out, you'll headbang!

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